
Sunday, October 24, 2010

In the pictures

I post a lot of pictures on this blog.
Mostly because I love taking and sharing pictures of my little family.
I think my guys are great and pretty handsome.
 I hate to be in the pictures. I feel uncomfortable in front of the camera. It feels weird and I always look off. I am still that 13 year old awkward girl when I see myself in shots and this was ok.
Until I had Jackson and realized that while I am at almost everything we do I am rarely in the pictures.
Unless I ask B to take one, or someone is around to take a family shot. I'm just not.
It's ok I like it that way but, it was also time.

We had our pictures done this past weekend by the lovely Laura Brett. I am in love with her work. 
If I could go back and have Jackson' s pictures done his first year she would have been my pick.
She even has a Charles Chip container she uses. My grandma kept one of these in her house before the storm. I honestly teared up the first time I saw her do a newborn shot with it.
 I can not wait to see our pictures. Don't worry I plan to Aww them once we get them but, I wanted to say to all the mommy's out there. Get in the picture. You will look back and not worry about that last 10lbs or way your cheeks look chubby when you smile for real. You will see a moment, a moment with your family at {fill in the blank} and be glad you were in them.

 I was flipping through pictures and found these B must have taken. I forget why if I asked him or he was just snapping but, they made me smile. I have these memories now but, as the years go on and new ones take up space in my brain. I am glad I have pictures of the kisses and giggles.
So really, get it in the pictures. You won't regret it. 

xoxo ra


Sara B said...

I totally agree with you - I have about 1/8 the amt of pics with my son as my husband does, since I'm always taking them. But you are gorgeous and Jackson will be proud to show off pictures of himself with his pretty mommy when he gets older!

donna said...

I couldn't agree more! I try to make it a point to every event we go to, to take a family picture of us. Hopefully when the kids get older they'll love it. Looking forward to seeing y'alls pictures. I'm sure you guys rocked it!