We love going to see Drew at the beach.
Jackson talks about it all year.
This year he just loved the water, sand, everything.
It was so much fun!
A much needed family vacation.
Watching the sunsets is a favorite nightly happening.
The weather is perfect at dusk.
He wanted a float this year because Kami had one. I think this was the only time he even walked around with it. He wanted to be in daddies arms jumping the "Wavers" {waves}.
The many beach looks this year.
His favorite was swim diaper and sunscreen. Love it!
He wanted to catch some fish, instead daddy caught a crab!
We had to give him back to his mommy
so Jackson was waving goodbye.
Beach + Baseball = Awesome.
By the time he had hit a few home runs
he had some people clapping for him.
He was eating it up.
They finally caught some fish!
Naps on the beach. He lives such a hard life. ;)
Our last sunset walk {until we go back}. Super Jackson!
Jack loves his Drew. I know the feeling is mutual.
These two are quite the pair.
Thanks Drew, see you in a few months!

Love these pictures! It looks like you guys, especially Jackson, had a wonderful time!
LOVE all the pictures... I just love that Jackson is such a beach baby!
ps. when you make the photo squares I have a hard time blowing them up and looking at everything... dang. Help a salker out! :)movies.
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