
Monday, January 30, 2012


Some of you know my bestie and have been seeing pictures of her little guy on her blog lately.
We have been having quite a few play dates lately and enjoying Nanny's maternity leave.
I just wanted to share some pictures we took last week...

This one looks like he was dancing.

Giving major side eye...

Jackson loves Durham so much.
Quick hugs...

We were taking pictures and Jackson comes running up and says "tickle tickle tickle".
All we could do was laugh... yes, he is "tickling" him with a play knife. Nice, huh?

These boys have many years of playing ahead of them. I love it! 

Monday, January 23, 2012

NOLA + wedding + family + food =

The wedding was breathtaking. Haley made a gorgeous bride and Kelly super handsome.
It was such a lovely night. Addison stole the show for sure. Their little girl is just a doll who we love so much. The reception was so much fun. Some of the best food I've had at a wedding. The dancing, the laughs, the company. It was all perfect! Enjoy the pictures. 

Such a fun time. We always enjoy spending any time with family but,
celebrating something so special as a wedding makes it that much better.


I heard over the weekend that Etta James passed away. I walked down the aisle to At Last.
It's hard not to rem inis over your own wedding at a wedding. I am one lucky lady for sure.
Rest in peace Etta. Your music is so romantic and was the soundtrack for one special day in my life. 

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Friday Phone Dump...

Lazy Blogger Award goes to... Me! 
Ha, and I'm back with a phone dump.

1. Momma got some new shoes. Our goal {Daddy, Jack and I} is to get a jog/walk in 4 days a week.
This week we have rocked it. It's amazing how a new pair of shoes after yours are two years old feel amazing. I am a flip flop girl. I don't love tennis shoes but, love these. 
2-3. My sister left Baloo at my parents this weekend and we had fun playing "faster than the dog" and taking pictures of her "baby" and sending her updates. 
4. Mardi Gras wreath. Thanks Pineterest. We are getting excited for this year. Actually we are headed to NOLA this weekend for a wedding. We can't wait to celebrate with everyone. 
5. Dinner with a super hero. ;) 
6. Gillded vase. Thank you interest again and my favorite flowers. Makes me happy. 
7-8. Silly babies they get so excited when they get to see each other. <3
9. 8 year olds are much louder than 3. Just saying. 

1-2. We had a great week with Nanny and D. That boy is so sweet and it's always good to spend time with your bestie. When they left on Tuesday out of he blue Jackson said "Oh No, I forgot to kiss Durham bye". Good thing they came back wed and he got his snuggles in. <3 
3-4. Jackson has been talking non stop about making popcorn with CC. He finally got to the other night and he literally squealed he was so excited. I love it. He was so proud. 

 {click to make larger}

I feel like I need to bring this situation to the public. I got man handled during a pedicure to get ready for said wedding we are going to this weekend. If anyone knows me, then you know I hate to have ANYTHING in-between my toes. I was getting a lovely pedicure, web surfing on my phone and not paying attention, my bad. In one second flat buddy shoved these socks on my feet. I almost puked but, since I thought that would be rude. I busted out laughing and started crying. I couldn't even form words.
These things were awful and the worst part was I couldn't take them off until my toes dried or I would have messed them up. #princessproblems. I know, I know but, dude. Don't mess with between my toes. 
Not cool nail guy. Not cool.

Hope you guys have a great weekend. 
We are excited to celebrate with family and enjoy some great food! 

Friday, January 13, 2012

5 on friday.

1. 3year old + 50 pennies and a fountain = Heaven
It's the small things people.

2. We have been on lots of walks this year. 
I have actually logged more miles in 
11 days than 6 months last year. Woop Woop. 
This one was even in the rain.

 3. Daddy and Jack have been getting lots of lego play in.
This rocket was actually in one piece for two days.
Thats crazy considering Jackson's favorite part about legos is karate 
chopping them once they are done.

4. I have had this dress for at least two years. It was a tad sausage tight
when I bought it but, it has sat in the back of the closet until now.
 I love it and left the tag on it. I love it even more thinking I spent $5 on it.
Jack and I are headed to NOLA for a wedding soon. We can't wait!

5. Boo for the sickies. I woke up yesterday and felt like I had been hit by a Mac truck. 
The dr said they are seeing this hybrid infection since the weather has been so warm lately. :(
I got a shot and feel so much better today. I am still going to take it easy this weekend.
I am actually looking forward to it. 

Happy weekend! 

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


I have a board on Pinterest filled with those silly sayings that we all nod our heads in agreement with when we read them. A friend posted this on FB and I thought it was worth sharing because it is so very true. 

‎"But having kids, you don’t escape from it, you seize onto it, it’s a 

big, stressful, exhilarating, real life thing. And it’s permanent, it’s

 something that you have to evolve for. Some people don’t, but I

 think you have to actually change your values system, and you have

 to revolutionize yourself in order to do it properly, because kids 

can’t raise kids, and I think you’re somewhat a kid until you have 

them, then you really have to grow up."

Louis C.K.

At 3.5 the fits have invaded our home. Not daily but, often enough to take notice. It's so frustrating. You see, when you have kids. You want people to love them, regardless of how they act. So even when my kid is screaming and yelling "I want to throw balls at people" {true story} I want the world to say, "Oh, that Jackson Rush I just adore him". The past couple of weeks we have thought about how we are reacting to Jack. Books we can read and learn some better ways to handle this new phase in parenting. All we really want is the same thing as parents {and I have a great friend who constantly encourages me that we are all in this together. Love you D} to end up with well adjusted, open minded, kind, thoughtful, polite grown ups. Not to much to ask right? ;)  I asked this on a few "mommy" type forums and while overall I was met with "yes, we have all been there" read this/try this. I was also met with small back handed slaps.  Any how this is how I got on my soap box. The end of the story is this. This parenting thing, it's for life. These little people grow into big people. So how we handle them now. It's all connected. All of these decisions we are making now, will shape who they are tomorrow. It's kind of a big deal. So don't act like your "you know what" doesn't stink. That your kid/parenting is perfect. It doesn't help the rest of us out there in the fight feel very encouraged. Fess up. We are all just doing our best. So maybe throwing a little side eye is normal from time to time but, in the end we all need to keep it real. It is so fun but, it's also pretty scary sometimes.
100x over again worth it but, parenting is no joke. Just ask any parent of a 3 1/2 yr old. ;) 

//soap box.
and a picture of my kid for getting through that.
{eating my last bite of banana, no less}

Monday, January 2, 2012

BE in 2012

Last year I choose a word.
I wanted to be more thoughtful through out the year. 
I would give myself a 60/100. I tried and there were times I really thought of others first.
Other times I must honestly admit, I judged or got angry and thoughtfulness was the furthest thing from my heart. It's a work in progress and while I am keeping thoughtful for another year, (and perhaps every year for now on because I think it is so important) this year I am going a different way.
This year I want to BE.

Be prayerful. This is one I struggle with weekly. I swear I do great and then fall off the wagon. 
I need this one for my family and for me. I am a better wife/momma/friend/ect when I have this one in place. It's a no brainer and yet the one I have the worse ADD with. 

Be patient. I think terrible twos is a joke. Hold on ladies, cause 3 might be a whole new level.
This year I am really wanting to teach Jackson to be more thankful. I think I will need patience. 

Be a wife. {7 years counting} This past year has been an amazing one in our marriage. 2012 should be even better. We have had some trying times this year and had to make some tough choices but, I feel like we came out the other side even stronger. It's hard to see that in the moment but, I will stand beside him no matter what choices he makes. He is my man. ;) 

Be healthy. Yes, yes the old "get in shape" Wah, wah waaahhh. Really I want to lose the 10lbs I have adopted as "cute" and get back to my best healthy me. 

Be in touch.  I want to write notes this year. Letters even to friends and family. I want to the people I love to know it and not just because I assume they do. 

Be happy. I want to not sweat the small stuff. I let little, silly things and people bother me way more than I should and it takes my focus off what matters. I said to a few people last year this pin I found and I am owning it this year myself.
"Do not let the things that matter most, be at the mercy of those that matters least". 

Did you set any resolutions?
 Cheers 2012.


I found these pictures while playing on mom's computer and had to share...
