Thursday, April 26, 2012
Life this week.
Included a lunch date, sleeping in for a certain almost 4 year old. Zoo play dates, doughnut treats (I mean the HOT sign was on), playtime, hide and seek, golf with daddy and visits from my favorite nephew. It was a pretty good week I would say. To top it off today we are throwing in play day with Bobby for Jack and lunch for me with one of my favorite people in the world. This weekend is festivals with friends and some t-ball. I love this time of year. We stay super busy but, it's so much fun!

Mothball Creations
I have been known to craft from time to time. I finally bit the bullet about a month ago and opened an etsy shop with one of my favorite things to make. The family plaque. I haven't mentioned too much about it but, figured I would link up with Kelly today and let the cat out of the bag per say. This would be a sweet Mother's Day present. Let me know if I can help you capture your crew in a sweet way.
Shop Mothball Creations.

Monday, April 23, 2012
This weekend was jam packed. Early saturday morning we went and watched Daddy run in a 5k. Jackson was so proud and Brian did awesome! Beating his last 5k time by a minute. I am so proud of him too. {check out Jackson mean mugging George. Ha!}
Right after the run, we went to Jackson's t-ball game. Durham and Nanny got to come watch. Oh, I just love that baby. They had a great game and we got the kids t-ball pictures. Cutest thing ever!
And in theme with busy, busy after the game it was home to clean up and we headed up to one of our favorite girls 2nd birthdays. We love Miss Samantha and her family so much. We had so much fun celebrating her day. It was pirate and fairies theme. Check out Williams awesome face painting.
We had our Mar-bear this weekend. She actually ate spinach stuffed shells and broccoli! It was a big deal and now forever saved here. lol We got to have a great dinner with Uncle Justin and Miss Kelsey and our first snow ball of the season!
Sunday daddy and Jack had a waffle house date. Just the boys hanging out. It would be hard for me to put into words how much Jackson adores Brian. Their relationship is the most precious thing to me. Jack and I met up with some new friends today and hung out and then it was back home for a great dinner.
Whew. I'm tired, are you? We need the week just to recover from this weekend. ;)

Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Game Ball!
It's been a sad week for our Indian family. One of the boys on the 11-12 yr old team was hit by a car and passed away last week. It's been an emotional week for all of us. Conor was a joy and everyone had the most wonderful things to say about him and his family. His mom Bernie welcomed me into the Indians family opening weekend and we chatted about how our boys both shared the #23. I honestly can't even put into words how heart broken I feel for them. Please keep the B family in yours prayers.
So Monday was the first Indians game played since we lost Conor. The boys did great and Jackson had an awesome game! At the end of the game when Coach Chuck gave to the game ball. Jackson got it! He hit off his pitches both times (so he didn't have to use the tee) and caught a ball when he was playing third base. :) He was so proud!
Go Jackson! Woo Hoo.
So Monday was the first Indians game played since we lost Conor. The boys did great and Jackson had an awesome game! At the end of the game when Coach Chuck gave to the game ball. Jackson got it! He hit off his pitches both times (so he didn't have to use the tee) and caught a ball when he was playing third base. :) He was so proud!
Go Jackson! Woo Hoo.

Monday, April 16, 2012
You guys, do you hear the crickets? I have become awful at updating this place here but, I have not stopped recording our daily doings. I have just been doing it on Instagram. I love, love, love it.
So with that, enjoy the last week or two in photos. :)
If you want to follow along for all our pictures you can find me on Instagram under: mommara.
If you are on Instagram share your name!
So with that, enjoy the last week or two in photos. :)
If you want to follow along for all our pictures you can find me on Instagram under: mommara.
If you are on Instagram share your name!

Saturday, April 7, 2012
Color Run 2012
Today was just what the doctor ordered. My girlfriend Amanda had mentioned she was going to sign up for her first 5k and do The Color Run. All of the proceeds support Children's Heathcare of Atlanta so I was completely game to run along too. In case you haven't heard of The Color Run here is a look at one of the courses.
Each kilometer you run through color bombs {people throwing colored powder at you}. Talk about turning you into a kid again. So much fun. I highly suggest signing up if The Color Run is coming to a city near you!
So so much fun!
Each kilometer you run through color bombs {people throwing colored powder at you}. Talk about turning you into a kid again. So much fun. I highly suggest signing up if The Color Run is coming to a city near you!
So so much fun!

Friday, April 6, 2012
One of "those" days.
It was one of those mornings. You know the ones. The little things pile up and before you can say "I need caffeine" you are grumpy. Then the straw. The one that "breaks mommies back" happens...
{thank you stupid insurance / pharmaceutical company that "covers" us for making the medicine that my son needs to breathe easy right now and deciding that you will not only stop your program that makes the co pay manageable. But, decide that you don't have to inform us that is is happening and i quote "because there isn't a law that says we have to". So, we not only get surprised when we go to pick it up that it is now 4 times as much but, it ends in me watching a woman in front of me far better dressed and all dolled up pick her 5 prescriptions for free {that didn't help and I don't know her circumstance but, GAH!}. So our options as tax paying, law abiding, people who have insurance are to pay this crazy number or have my kid suffer. It is rather infuriating and we can afford {thank god} it but, should we HAVE to pay so much for it? It's just so ridiculous to me. Especially when the last time we got it, it was 1/4 of the price. //end soapbox.}
So in all of this you end up in tears at WALMART of all freaking places {one of my finest moments I can tell you} and you snap at the little person. Who is in reality just being little and has no idea any of this is even happening. So you feel like an asshole {there is no other word}, take a deep breath and apologize to him for getting frustrated when it wasn't his fault. He looks at you, asks you what frustrated means and when you explain it just means really grumpy. He says "I FORGIVE YOU MOMMY".
::cue more tears:: I must have eaten the awesome sauce last night people. I was on a roll with the tears today.
So on this Good Friday. I am reminded I not only that I have so much to be thankful for.
That their is a medicine that helps him breathe that won't make him shake and have him begging us to make it stop, that we can afford it, that daddy doesn't think I am crazy when I call him upset from walmart, that in minutes my best friend, mom and dad had all called to check on me, friends texting me, really that I have a huge silver lining in all of this.
That at the end of the day. I have everything to be thankful for. That we have a Father in heaven that forgives us not only for our crazy everyday but, sent his Son to die for that crazy. It took a three year old to remind me of this mercy today.
{thank you stupid insurance / pharmaceutical company that "covers" us for making the medicine that my son needs to breathe easy right now and deciding that you will not only stop your program that makes the co pay manageable. But, decide that you don't have to inform us that is is happening and i quote "because there isn't a law that says we have to". So, we not only get surprised when we go to pick it up that it is now 4 times as much but, it ends in me watching a woman in front of me far better dressed and all dolled up pick her 5 prescriptions for free {that didn't help and I don't know her circumstance but, GAH!}. So our options as tax paying, law abiding, people who have insurance are to pay this crazy number or have my kid suffer. It is rather infuriating and we can afford {thank god} it but, should we HAVE to pay so much for it? It's just so ridiculous to me. Especially when the last time we got it, it was 1/4 of the price. //end soapbox.}
So in all of this you end up in tears at WALMART of all freaking places {one of my finest moments I can tell you} and you snap at the little person. Who is in reality just being little and has no idea any of this is even happening. So you feel like an asshole {there is no other word}, take a deep breath and apologize to him for getting frustrated when it wasn't his fault. He looks at you, asks you what frustrated means and when you explain it just means really grumpy. He says "I FORGIVE YOU MOMMY".
::cue more tears:: I must have eaten the awesome sauce last night people. I was on a roll with the tears today.
So on this Good Friday. I am reminded I not only that I have so much to be thankful for.
That their is a medicine that helps him breathe that won't make him shake and have him begging us to make it stop, that we can afford it, that daddy doesn't think I am crazy when I call him upset from walmart, that in minutes my best friend, mom and dad had all called to check on me, friends texting me, really that I have a huge silver lining in all of this.
That at the end of the day. I have everything to be thankful for. That we have a Father in heaven that forgives us not only for our crazy everyday but, sent his Son to die for that crazy. It took a three year old to remind me of this mercy today.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Three and three quarters years old.
He is getting so big. I grabbed some pictures a few times last week. Usually involving a bit of bribing. Three and three quarters years old. The time just flies.
Our sweet guy.
Our sweet guy.

Monday, April 2, 2012
Weekends are rad
1. Silly pictures for nanny, she was tired of work. wonka wonka. 2. Thanks Pinterest, a new door wreath? Now I just need a bow. 3. His "dream" yellow car. 4. Baby D snuggles! 5. Allergies suck. 6. Chin Chin
1. This weekend The Braves had their opening day for the kids. We got to go hang out with some friends and tour the dugout. It's always fun to spend time at the stadium.
Last but, not least. Our new favorite summer pasta dish... Yummy!
You guys go make this soon. So yummy. I was playing taking a picture but, really it was so good. Recipe here. Grilled corn and cherry tomatoes with a lemon basil dressing.
I ended up adding some fresh mozzarella to the top and B made us some grilled chicken.

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