Bubs, Booba, Boobs, Jack, Jackson, My Love,
Just taking a moment to tell you how much fun I have being your mom.
I have to admit 90% of the time I am simply winging it.
I am hoping that a good 60% of the time I am doing it right.
You made me realize that I wanted more than to just be "the cool mom" or "the fun mom".
I want to be the mom who will always fight for you and with you when something means a lot to you.
I want to be the mom who will tell you no.
I want to be the mom who always has time for your stories.
Who writes them down and blogs them, so we can look back and laugh about the things you used to say.
I want to take you places. I want you to have an open mind and try new things.
I want to be the kind of mom that teaches you to be respectful and kind to everyone.
I want to be the mom who teaches you it's fun to read and not just now that your young but, even when your older just for fun.
I want to be the mom who helps you find music you love.
I hope it moves you like it does me.
I want to be the mom who always remembers our secret hand bump but, who knows never to do it in front of your friends.
I want to always try and answer you like I do. "Yes, my love" not because it sounds cool but, because from the beginning it became so true and I want you to grow up hearing it a hundred times a day. So that there is no doubt in your mind it is so.
I really just like to be your mom.
xoxo, mommy