
Thursday, February 2, 2012

A Funny and A Cute

Oh my guy, he keeps us laughing.
I have a post of the silly things he says coming soon but, I wanted to remember these two stories.
Although, he will likely kill me for the first one day.

The Funny.
{if you don't want to read about poop skip this one}
Jackson is potty trained but, still needs help wiping. Since he will be starting
pre-k in the fall he will need to do this himself. So the other day when he called me into the potty
I explained that from now on, I will help him and then he will take a turn wiping so he can get used to it.
I cleaned him and handed him the paper to wipe. 
I kid you not, his hand went back there and he straight up gagged and said "that is discussing".
I busted out laughing. Well played Jack. I agree. ;)

The Cute.
Jackson's favorite color is weddow yellow.
The other day after lunch with Lala, Nanny and Durham, Jackson asked the lady at Chick Fil A if he could have a balloon. She asked him what his favorite color was and while she was pulling it out I prompted "what do you say" as placed the balloon in his hand and he blurted out "I LOVE YOU". 
He actually blushed. It was so cute. She said "Oh, I love you too". He tucked into my leg and was so embarrassed he hadn't said thank you. Later that night he was with mom and told her the story in his fast and furious way that I love so much. My sweet boy. 


donna said...

Love him! He's so sweet!

Lindsey @ The Hill House said...

That's hilarious that he gagged! Poor guy!

melissa said...

Hah! I love those stories! He's sooo cute!

Nana said...

.....getting so big and he is so smart.MISS YOU JACKSON, LOVE YOU!!